
This website uses libraries and other software that are developed and distributed by Third-party Entities under the terms of the following permissive licenses:

Nuxt.js MIT Read the full terms
Module for Nuxt.js - Tailwind CSS MIT Read the full terms
Module for Nuxt.js - Vue i18n MIT Read the full terms
Tailwind CSS MIT Read the full terms
Vue i18n MIT Read the full terms

(*) The above product may in turn depend on additional libraries that might be distributed under different permissive license terms. Please refer to each product repository for further details.

Moreover, this website contains some images that are created and distributed by Third-party Entities under the terms of the following permissive licenses:

ProjectStored atLicense
Material Design Icons /imgs/material-icons Apache 2.0 Read the full terms
Noto Emoji /imgs/noto-emoji Apache 2.0 Read the full terms

(*) We edited some of the above images according to the needs of this website. Our derivative work is stored in a "edited" sub-folder inside the previous paths.